A peek into the past – Jasper Crowley

We hope you enjoy this peek into the past:

This photograph was shared my Mr Spicer Blount with the following description.

“Late 1960’s when Jasper lived across from Rawls rd. This was a bit of a party in the woods, I can not recall exactly the party occasion but it was naturally educational also. A little camp down towards the Flats, open fire cooked, swamp cabbage and other locals stuffs. One of the younger Crowley girls was to the left, my mother Shannon Blount would have taken this picture. We camped there for 2 days afterwards. Jasper was the male figure in my life and he sold mother the floating Bayhead and a few acres on Rawls rd. That is about all I recall of this day but not of Jasper. Great memories of planting, growing, making sorghum at his house, hogs chickens, cheese … Everything I ever needed to learn to live and help others in life.”

We hope we make you proud, Jasper.

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Note From Cheryl Crowley

It looks like Susan Lea in the middle and her sister Linda on the (our) right. These are my 1st cousins. I love seeing this photo of Jasper as this is exactly how I remember him! Thank you for sharing!