New Food Forest

There are things and places in this world that just feel good. It’s hard to describe, but it’s a full sensory experience. In just a half of a years time, our Mr Noah has created just such a special place.

CMNC Food Forest & Agroforestry

Our food forest. He’s truly an artist and nature is his medium. He enthusiastically shares his knowledge, educating any person interested. “Here! Smell this, taste this…”

CMNC Food Forest & Agroforestry

A tour of the garden showcases a variety of edible species, various tiers of growth, different substrates and compost in different stages of decomposition that feed the fledgling forest. He knows where everyone grows, where they came from, what they need as well as their current and future roles in his garden community. He has employed storm debris, recycled items, rocks and more.

CMNC Food Forest & Agroforestry

Everything here serves a purpose that he has carefully and lovingly considered. Because of his knowledge and attentiveness to the project, no man made or artificial chemicals, fertilizers, or insecticides have been used, ever. This is a safe space for any little pollinator seeking nourishment, water or shelter who finds itself in his creation.

CMNC Food Forest & Agroforestry

To watch and listen to him at his task is a unique experience. To see someone truly love what they do, and it love him back has been incredible. It’s been a fun project for all of us who contribute as well.

CMNC Food Forest & Agroforestry

We are very grateful to Ms Jeanene, Ms Ruby Jo, Ms Pat, Mr Roy and all of the others who donate seeds and plants to our endeavor. But mostly we are grateful to Mr Noah. Thank you for sharing your beauty and talent with us all. We are grateful for what this garden has taught and will teach. Come out for rendezvous and hear it from the artist himself!…/crowley-museum…/

#impact100srq #crowleymuseumandnaturecenter #education #foodforest #agroforestry #garden #grateful