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Protecting Our Local Watershed
Is it very important to us that we continue Protecting Our Local Watershed.
Right up until Hurricane Idalia, we were able to graze our cattle on the marsh pasture, this helped to control the growth of exotic/invasive species of grass and kept them well-fed.

However, this shouldn’t have been possible late into August. We were in a severe drought. About 150 of CMNC’s 191.5 acres of conservation land is wetlands. It’s their job to hold and naturally process the water product of such storms. It’s not just the local rain either, but rain from other places. That’s an integral part of all watersheds. This is a huge reason why conserving natural lands like these, in their natural state, is so important. Manually diverting water, or adding fill just spreads the water elsewhere and in a way where the natural process doesn’t occur properly. These errors can lead to road and structure flooding, erosion etc. So you see, over development creates issues for all of us, human, animal and plant life alike. It is possible to work in harmony with your natural environment, and in the spirit of that, we happily rotate our cattle to a more suited and drier uplands pasture.
This is the view from the Myakka Rd river bridge facing north. It includes two pieces of conservation land, CMNC & Triangle Ranch, nearly 1500 acres of land being allowed to naturally process the drainage of hurricane season. We thank the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast for helping educate and facilitate the protecting of these 2 properties. If you have land and are interested in protecting it, or know of land for sale that could be conserved, please contact them. Thank you for keeping conservation alive, it’s integral for us all.